ARCCI works to advance the rights of victims of sexual assault through legislative and regulatory processes – creating new and changing existing policies, deepening the understanding of sexual harassment among decision makers, and implementing discourse through various parliamentary activities. Our activities include:
- Participation in Knesset committee meetings
- Lobbying in the Knesset
- Writing and submitting position papers to Knesset committees, ministers, and other governmental bodies
- Drafting legislative amendments
- Advancing legislative initiatives and conducting discussions and conferences in the Knesset on various topics, including:
- Sexual harassment
- Changing the way of defining sexual offenses
- Broadening the statute of limitations for sexual offenses involving minors
- Extending the civil statute of limitations
- Rights of victims of criminal offenses during criminal proceedings
- Sexual abuse of people with psychological disorders
- Legal treatment of sexual offenses
- Training professionals to identify and report the sexual abuse of children
- The proper handling of incidents of sexual abuse in the media