Silent Cry – Sexual Violence Crimes on October 7

This special report focuses on the sexual and gender-based offenses committed during the war. It offers an analysis of testimonies and information about the events by the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel, as can be presented at this point in time (February 2024, four months after the outbreak of the war). This serves as initial evidence of systematic and widespread sexual crimes conducted by Hamas.

Silent Cry – Sexual Violence Crimes on October 7

Content Warning: The report contains graphic descriptionsContent Warning: The report contains graphic descriptions of sexual abuse, torture, and murder.

Download the Report:

English: ARCCI report – Silent Cry: sexual crimes on october 7 

Español: Un  Llanto Silencioso – Delitos de Violencia Sexual Ocurridos el 7 de Octubre

Français: Un cri silencieux – Crimes de Violence Sexuelle commis le 7 Octobre

Italiano: Grido silenzioso – Crimini sessuali nella guerra del 7 ottobre

عربي: صرخة صامتة – جرائم العنف الجنسي في 7 أكتوبر




פורסם: 04.03.2025

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