Sexual Violence Data – From the Rape Crisis Centers
In Brief
1. Rape crisis centers receive over 50,000 calls annually from more than 15,000 survivors and their close circles.
2. The majority of calls concern assaults that occurred before the age of 18.
3. Most assaults were committed by someone known to the survivor.
4. The large volume of calls makes rape crisis centers the most comprehensive source of data on sexual violence in Israel.

This page presents data on sexual violence in Israel, based on reports to the rape crisis centers – including information about the survivors, the assaults, and the perpetrators.
For additional data, refer to the data section of ARCCI’s annual report, which provides extensive information on the calls received in the past year (Hebrew) or contact the ARCCI staff.
Calls to the Rape Crisis Centers in 2023
- In 2023, 54,044 calls were received by the rape crisis centers, including 17,484 new calls (the rest were follow-ups, informational inquiries, etc.).
- 14,557 of the new calls came through the crisis hotlines, chat services, and WhatsApp – a 26% increase compared to 2018, when 11,520 new calls were received.
- 2,972 of the new calls were made through “Kol HaKayitz”, an anonymous chat service for youth on healthy sexuality.
Breakdown by Gender and Age
- 87% of all calls reported assaults against women, while 13% concerned assaults against men.
- Most reports concerned assaults against minors:
- 28% of calls were about assaults on children aged 0-12.
- 31% of calls were about assaults on youth aged 13-18.
Breakdown by Type of Assault
- 36% of calls concerned incest.
- 28% of calls concerned rape or attempted rape.
Distribution of Sexual Violence Reports to the Rape Crisis Centers:
- 36% Incest
- 28% Rape or attempted rape
- 2% Gang sexual assault
- 11% Indecent acts
- 21% Sexual harassment
- 3% Filming and distributing sexual content
Survivor’s Relationship with the Perpetrator
- 92% of assaults were committed by someone known to the survivor.
- 35% of survivors were assaulted by a family member.
- 13% were assaulted by a current or former partner.
Breakdown of the Perpetrator’s Relationship to the Survivor (Based on Rape Crisis Center Calls):
- 35% Family member
- 17% Romantic partner (past or present)
- 22% Social acquaintance
- 8% Educator, therapist, or religious figure
- 8% Work-related connection
- 2% Other relationships
- 8% Stranger
Location of the Assault
Most sexual assaults occur in a residence – the survivor’s home, the perpetrator’s home, or a shared residence.
Breakdown of Assault Locations (Based on Rape Crisis Center Calls):
- 54% Residential home
- 8% Workplace
- 8% Educational or religious institution
- 4% Leisure venue
- 3% Healthcare facility
- 2% Military or national service setting
- 6% Public space
- 3% Transportation (private or public)
- 5% Internet or phone communication
- 6% Other locations
Child Survivors (Aged 0-12)
Among reports of child sexual abuse:
- 69% of assaults occurred in a residence (survivor’s home, perpetrator’s home, or shared residence).
- 13% occurred in an educational setting.
- 70% of perpetrators in these cases were family members.
- Only 3% of cases involved a stranger as the perpetrator.
פורסם: 24.02.2025