“אני חושבת שאם את לא לבד, את תהיי מסוגלת לעבור את התהליך הלא נעים הזה של הגשת התלונה. אני הרגשתי שיש לי צבא של נשים שאני עושה את זה איתן והן מאמינות לי, הן יודעות מה אני עוברת. כשאני יוצאת מהדיון בבית המשפט, יש לי את מי לחבק”

“אני חושבת שאם את לא לבד, את תהיי מסוגלת לעבור את התהליך הלא נעים הזה של הגשת התלונה. אני הרגשתי שיש לי צבא של נשים שאני עושה את זה איתן והן מאמינות לי, הן יודעות מה אני עוברת. כשאני יוצאת מהדיון בבית המשפט, יש לי את מי לחבק”

The Association of Rape Crisis Centers are here for you

How can we help?

Support Following Sexual Assault

 Everything you need to know to cope with sexual assault: essential information, the support and accompaniment services of the crisis centers, information on legal proceedings, social rights, and community treatment and support options.

Education, Prevention, and Training

The Crisis Centers offer the most professional and comprehensive response in the field of sexual violence prevention and the promotion of positive and safe sexuality, with a wide range of programs for educational frameworks, workplaces, and training for professional teams.

Educational Programs Trainings


Knowledge and Data Repository

Our knowledge repository includes the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on the phenomenon of sexual violence in Israel: data and annual reports, research and professional articles, and free public awareness materials for use

Public Activity

he Association and the Crisis Centers operate at the national level to promote the rights of survivors of sexual violence and reduce the scope of the phenomenon through lobbying and legislative advocacy, legal tools, research and data collection, and media presence.

Who are we?

ARCCI  and the Crisis Centers are a coalition of ten non-profit organizations established to combat sexual violence and serve as an accessible, committed, and independent address for survivors. The centers operate nationwide and offer emotional support, accompaniment in legal proceedings, support groups, prevention programs, educational initiatives, and professional training. The Association acts as an umbrella organization that works to change policy and promote responses at the national level, according to the needs arising from the field. Together, the Association and the centers form the oldest and most experienced body in the country, offering professional support and training in all aspects related to dealing with sexual violence in Israeli society.


Sexual Violence in Israel – Situational Overview

1 in 5 women experiences rape
1 in 1 women experiences sexual harassment
In nearly 90% of assaults, the perpetrator is known to the survivor
Over 50% of assaults occur at home
1 in 5 men experiences sexual assault
4 out of 5 cases opened, close without an indictment

Events and Training

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